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OCT 6, 2020 AT 12:28 AMUnlockedLondon Mural festival Days 4-6 A few days into the wall, and i made more progress on the background and added the base tones of the artwork, all the darkest shades, Some of the shapes needed enlarging like the flowers, and alterations to the head , a few other places..,  My view


      A quick post for a video I made, Before I left for the UK – The canvas will soon be available to buy on my website.. for now it is still part of the Sofia Nature Exhibition in Bulgaria .  Method : Here I am using a stencil cap on the top


London Mural Festival Days 1-3 Hello ! I thought I better make some blog post about the few first days at the London mural festival.. so the last two weeks I have been in quarantine at my brothers house! Surprisingly I have got so much work done in that time and also been working on


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